Our Ministry Teams


The team will help coordinate all mission activities of the church, which shall include local, national, and international mission emphases of the American Baptist Churches and other mission outreach programs

The team will make the church aware of the spiritual and financial needs of mission programs


Provide for the visitation of members

Inquire after those who are absent for extended periods

Welcome visitors

Be responsible for coordinating and approving the outreach programs of the church Develop strategies for evangelistic connections with the unchurched of the community

Christian Education and Discipleship

Be responsible for the organization and administration of the entire educational program of the church

Be responsible for developing and interpreting to the constituency of the church educational objectives and goals

Be responsible for studying the educational needs of the church and for making decisions concerning time schedule Be responsible for discovering, enlisting, and appointing all church school workers Be responsible for evaluating and supervising the curriculum of the education program

Have specific oversight of the summer Vacation Bible School and/or summer community children’s outreach program

Prepare a report of the year’s Christian Education program. Budget, and activities for presentation at the annual meeting of the church Determine the use of Sunday School Equipment and its storage Eliminate or add classes

Spiritual Nurture

Have, along with the Pastor, general supervision of the spiritual nurture of the congregation

Hear, with the Pastor, testimonies of all candidates for baptism and interview all candidates for church membership
Care for the sick, needy, and distressed of the church

Administer the Fellowship Fund, which is used primarily for special financial needs of members and friends of the church

Building and Grounds

Hold in trust all property belonging to the church

Take all necessary measures for its protection, management and upkeep

Determine the use of church buildings for all extra or secular purposes, but it shall have no power to buy, mortgage, and lease or transfer any property without specific vote of the church authorizing such action           

Shall be responsible for all areas of and maintenance of the Cemetery (marking out graves, ground care, layout of cemetery, and administration of cemetery)

Finance and Stewardship

Designate the bank where the funds of the church shall be deposited

Shall approve for payment all bills authorized by the church

Collect all monies contributed and deposit these monies weekly in the bank account selected by the Finance Team and render statement of these deposits to both the financial secretary and the treasurer

Supervise ways and means of raising the necessary funds for the support of the church, either itself or through a representative event member enlistment committee

Present to the church at the business meeting in November of each year a budget of anticipated receipts and expenditures. Ensure that all expenditures of the church funds are made in conformity with the adopted budget

To fill the legal requirements of incorporation, the finance. team shall be designated the “Trustees” of the church


Aid in preparation and administration of the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism

Cooperate with the Pastor in providing the pulpit supply and leaders of prayer and Bible study meetings

Shall oversee and secure Ushers and Worship Leaders for the regular services of worship of the church

Shall review and discuss musical concerns and musical needs for the church